Last nights Chairman’s Cheese & Wine Night proved a couple of things. You can do a Cheese & Wine night, including toasts, games of Spoof & Higher or Lower and Shots virtually. It also proved that we’re getting the hang of Zoom. And finally it proved that Round Table works without the need to be in the same room; you can still have a laugh, support each other, and make plans while socially distant.

As the wine flowed, topped up by what can only be described as some reasonably awful pre-made shots in some suitably lurid colours, we carried on doing what we always do. Last wasn’t about holding a formal business meeting, to discuss official Ringwood & Verwood Round Table business, vote things through and plan for the future. Last night was the closest we can get at the moment to a night out with our friends, so there was a suitable about of verbal abuse of the Chairman, heckling all round and laughter all evening. Mid-way through the proceedings, an announcement was made that everyone had to be back on screen ASAP dressed smartly, so you suddenly saw 14 blokes rush off for fear of being the last one back & punished accordingly.

But what last night did prove to us all, aside from the fact that everyone getting the hang of Zoom (finally), is that Round Table – and ours in particular – still works, and has a purpose, in these troubling times. For all of the banter, challenges and games, the 14 of us on the call were able to have a laugh, catch up, and also be there to support each other. We talked about how everyone is coping during the lockdown, issues of well-being, and how we can work together to get through this crisis.

Fundamentally we were a group of 14 friends having a laugh and a catch up. And at the moment that’s no bad thing in our book.