Show your Round Table pride while keeping your head warm this winter with an RTxOddballs Bobble Hat!  The iconic Oddballs Bobble Hat is perfect for those cold days our with Table, when you need to wrap up warm.  Whether you’re out with Santa’s Sleigh, delivering Christmas Tree’s, or just off down the pub with your fellow Tabler’s, these hats will definitely keep your brains warm for your next great idea for a Table social or a way to raise more money to help more awesome good causes.

All profits made from the sale of these hats will be donated straight to our chosen charity partner at Andy’s Man Club, who are a truly incredible men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online.  Help us to support these guys in the amazing work that they do, as they remind men up & down the country that its OK to talk!

To pick up your hat, please visit our Shop page or jump straight over to the hats themselves here

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